Crazy story about a woman who was arrested and detained for three hours because she was eating a candy bar while entering a D.C. subway station. Well, it was probably her sassin' the transit cop that got her in trouble. According to the article, this sort of thing isn't uncommon there. But the part that disturbed me was a paragraph near the end:
In 2002, one of their officers ticketed a wheelchair-bound cerebral palsy patient for cursing when he was unable to find a working elevator to leave a station. Unflattering publicity eventually led the police to void the ticket.
For cursing?! Seriously? I wasn't able to find an article online about that incident to get more facts, but that sounds, uh, fucking unbelievable. Oops.
If any D.C. transit cops read this blog (ha!), I recommend they check out Geoff Nunberg's essay "Obscenity Rap". (Warning: dirty words and linguistics inside!)
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