I'm sure you know what's coming: an apology for the lack of posts, a line about how busy I am, and a laundry list of things that's kept me from posting. I won't bore you with the details; I'll just say this is one of the busiest times of my life. It's all great stuff, but it's all happening at once. (Well, almost all great stuff. I've been having a ton of computer problems lately, so I haven't at all kept up with email and blogs.)
But I can't let you go empty handed, so I'll leave you (well, at least you software nerds) with a link to an interesting interview with Kent Beck (of XP fame), Cynthia Andres, and Tom DeMarco (of Peopleware/Slack fame). I like Beck's opening shot:
It's not all about programming. It's not all about programmers. Programmers
aren't somehow special and to be protected and coddled. I used to say often that
programmers were children. They liked not to be yelled at and to have more toys,
and I think that was kind of my attitude for quite a while and I saw myself as
one of those people. And that's not the way I view the world now. I think
programmers are, or at least can be, adults and can and should, for the good of
development and themselves, act that way.
I can't believe the interviewer didn't dig into that statement more. What a lost opportunity!
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