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February 10, 2005



Alan Kay is such a jackass. He even got at the point in this interview -- there are two separate worlds, that of research, and that of engineering. His achievements in one don't seem to give him any sort of insight into the other. Has he ever worked on any sort of commercial product that had to come out in some reasonable amount of time, or, you know, the company might run out of money?

Research types like him who look down on real-world work drive me nuts. Engineers are the people who make things actually work. That dude is basically my prep cook in the kitchen of computer science. Thanks for the chopped onions, Alan Kay. They are of a very uniform size.

Note 1: I thought it was spelled "bailing" wire before today.

Note 2: It's been 10 years since Bob Metcalfe predicted the collapse of the Internet! Dang!

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