Yesterday afternoon Miss J and I went to the ultrasound office, and while it's not certain, it looks like we're going to have...a daughter! I'm very excited. I had a feeling it was a girl. (The Chinese Calendar concurs.)
Still, it's not certain, since the baby -- either demurely or rebelliously -- kept its legs crossed during the entire exam, only uncrossing them when we weren't looking. Based on the few glimpses the doctor did catch, she reckons it's a girl.
Now the baby name fighting can begin in earnest.
Here's a good link as you debate names:
Try typing in your names one letter at a time. Who knew "Jennifer" was occasionally a boy's name in the 70s and 80s? (Ok, so Miss J might have known, just like I know there are football players named "Lynn", but it was news to me.)
Happy hunting!
Posted by: Lynne | February 20, 2005 at 12:08 PM
Hey Lynne! Oh yes, we are alllll over that site. It's fantastic (and so is the associated book).
Posted by: Michael | February 22, 2005 at 12:21 AM