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August 25, 2004



Glad to hear that you were able to get things diagnosed, and that Miles is now on the mend.

I know it seems silly to some to hear anybody so upset or affected by the sickness of an animal. But pet owners and animal lovers know that it's really no different than dealing with a seriously ill family member.


Yay! I'm glad Miles is feeling better. My best for his convalescence.
I feel like I know him even though I don't think I've ever met him in the fur. I think it's because I've seen his baby picture (the one my husband Tony took) a million times.


Erich: Thanks! You're so right about it being the same as a family member. Our cats are so loving and have really enriched our lives, and their being a different species really makes no difference at all.

Steph: Thanks for the well-wishes! Miles is doing much better already. Tony's photos of him as a kitten are the best; they're still what we consider the definitive potrait of Miles.

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