Today's lesson in animal cruelty comes courtesy of 18- and 20-year-old punks -- lifeguards, supposedly -- who decided to strap an M-1000 to the pet rabbit of one of the punks, light the fuse, and, I kid you not, throw the rabbit into a lake. Oh, and they took pictures for their blog. Fortunately the explosive didn't go off, and one of them fished the drowning rabbit out of the lake (debating, meanwhile, whether or not to try again). The apparent motive is that the rabbit's owner is heading to UCSB in the fall and wouldn't be able to take care of the animal anymore. So rather than, you know, give it to a shelter, or even let it loose in the wild, they decide to blow it up. My favorite part is that one of the perpetrators says: "I think that a lot of people are judging us without knowing us at all. It's really bothering me." Oh, really. Guess what's really bothering me? People who try to violently kill defenseless, trusting animals, that's what.
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